

  • Low-Carb Jerky Chicken Recipe

    NEC_JanBlogs_lowcarb_thumbnail After indulging in a long and sweet holiday season, it can sometimes be difficult to get back into the habit of eating healthy. Luckily, we have a delicious and low-calorie dish to help jump start your new year in the right direction. Full of rich protein and savory spices, our jerky chicken recipe is not…
  • The Whole30 Program


    A new craze that is taking over the world of health and fitness in the Whole30 Program. The Whole30 involves removing certain food groups, such as sugars, grains, dairy, and legumes, from your diet completely

  • Cooking with Kale

    whats cooking

    A new craze in the world of health and fitness is Kale. It is one of the healthiest vegetables you can eat and is packed full of essentials for your body. Just one serving of kale provides a day’s worth of vitamin C, two days’ worth of vitamin A, and seven times the recommended daily amount of vitamin K. It’s also full of vital minerals and healthy fatty acids. To top it off, it has the slim count of 30 calories per serving! Although there are a plethora of amazing benefits, many find a downfall in Kale’s intense texture and bitter flavor.

  • Spice Up Your Life

    Whats Cooking

    True or false—spicy foods can boost your metabolism? The answer, believe it or not: true. Spicy foods have natural chemicals that can, in fact, give your metabolism a kick start. Adding ingredients like chopped red or green chili peppers when cooking your meals can make a difference. The effect is short term, but if you eat spicy foods often, these benefits can quickly add up.

  • Summer Slow Cooker Recipes

    Whats Cooking

    You probably know how amazing slow cookers are for making delicious, hassle-free meals, but most people associate using slow cookers only in the fall and winter. You shouldn’t pack up your slow cooker or crock pot just because it’s hot outside. There are a lot of summer-friendly meals you can make when the temperatures are nearing 100 degrees.

  • Delicious Recipes for Eating Clean

    Whats Cooking

    If you aren’t familiar with the term clean eating, you may think it sounds very restrictive. You may think it means you can’t eat anything fun or anything that tastes good. You might have visions of people eating a lot of dry salads. While clean eating does mean cutting out processed foods and artificial ingredients, you can still eat delicious, flavorful meals. Take a look at these recipes if you are considering a clean diet or need to add some more interesting recipes to your repertoire.

  • Delicious Berry Recipes

    Whats Cooking

    Summer is when most berries are in season, so it’s the perfect time to use them as much as you can. Not only are berries delicious, but they are good to eat to stay hydrated. They also make you feel fuller so you eat less, which may help you lose weight. Berries have also been shown to increase mental acuity, reduce the risk for Parkinson’s disease, and lower blood pressure. Go to your local farmer’s market to find the freshest berries and start making these recipes.

  • Cooking with Turmeric

    Cooking with Turmeric

    Turmeric is a spice that has long been used in Chinese and Indian medicine as an anti-inflammatory, and is thought to treat a variety of conditions from jaundice, toothaches, and chest pain, and inflammatory bowel disease. If you are experiencing severe symptoms from any medical condition, stop by your nearest Houston and Austin ERs for 24 hour emergency care.

  • How to Get More Fiber Into Your Diet


    You have probably heard from your doctor, your parents, and the media that you should be eating more fiber, but you may not know why. A high fiber diet can reduce the risk of stroke, heart disease, and hypertension. And as most of us know, a diet high in fiber can keep your bowels running smoothly. The truth is that most of us do not get enough fiber in our diets…

  • Healthy Summer Cocktails


    Summer is the perfect time to kick back and relax with cool, refreshing cocktail. Unfortunately, cocktails usually contain a lot of calories due to sugary mixes that are used to make these drinks. If you are trying to eat healthy or lose weight, you may not want to drink your calories. Luckily, there are healthy alternatives you can use when making your next summer cocktail.

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