
Weight Loss

  • How to Track Your Workout Results

    NEC_April2017Blogs_Design_wk4-thumb1 Many people find that selecting a workout program is easy, however, it’s the staying on target part that often causes them to be unsuccessful at attaining a weight loss goal. A large part of it comes down to workout results. Either they don’t see results quick enough or they’re improperly measuring their progress. Here are…
  • Cooking with Protein Powder

    BNE_blog_whatsCooking-image1 If you lead an active lifestyle, you have probably heard about the benefits of using protein powder. Protein powder can help you increase muscle mass, which will assist in burning fat. If you are trying to lose weight, turning to protein powder helps accelerate fat loss. Most people mix a scoop of flavored protein powder…
  • Great Reasons to Work Out Besides Losing Weight

    BNE_health&fitness_01 Most people start an exercise or fitness program because they want to lose weight. This is a good motivator, but it really shouldn’t be the only reason you work out. At some point, you may hit a plateau or reach your weight loss goal. There are so many other benefits from exercising on a regular…
  • How to Create Your Own Home Gym


    If you want to get in shape or just maintain your fitness routine, a home gym could be the right option for you. In the long run, having a home gym is cheaper than a gym membership. Also, if your gym is just in the next room, you will be more motivated to work out. You don’t have to talk yourself into getting dressed and driving to the gym. If you have never worked out at home or you are used to going to a gym, start with some inexpensive pieces of equipment and see how you do first.

  • Make Realistic New Year’s Resolutions (and Stick to Them)


    The beginning of the new year can be exciting because you get to start over and wipe the slate clean. It can also be stressful because you may feel the need to make some big life changes in the form of New Year’s resolutions. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to change for the better whether that’s losing weight, quitting smoking, or resolving to reduce the stress in your life. Just remember to be realistic about attaining your goals and by this time next year, you may have achieved an amazing goal.

  • Healthy Holiday Dishes for Parties and Potlucks

    shutterstock_110601353 The Most Yummy Time of the Year During the holiday season, parties and potlucks abound. There are always several high calorie dishes to choose from, but if you’re trying to eat healthy, these events can be stressful and can possibly derail your weight loss efforts. Here are some healthy and delicious ideas for dishes you…
  • Eat More Fiber

    North Americans eat less than half the fiber they should be eating. That’s a shame; in recent years, fiber, or indigestible plant matter, has been shown to have tons of health benefits. It tricks your body into thinking it’s full so you don’t overeat. It lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It can reduce the…
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