

  • 5 Tips For Beginner Marathon Runners

    NEC_JanBlogs_runningbeginners_thumbnail So you've decided to run a marathon, congratulations! But before you hit the pavement, be sure to take a few minutes and make sure you’re physically and mentally prepared for this significant milestone. To help you shape up, we’ve put together a few tips to keep in mind before you get on the track. Whether…
  • Which is Better? Running or Walking?


    If you are looking to get into shape by starting a running or walking program, you may be wondering which cardio exercise is better for you. Both running and walking are great ways to lose weight and achieve overall health, but if you are looking to attain certain fitness goals, one activity might better for you than the other…

  • Upcoming News and Events

    BNE_TheBeat_150x150 Tee-n-Tails Golf Tournament Join Neighbors at the 23rd Annual Tee-n-Tails Golf Tournament on Friday, April 17 from 12pm – 10pm at the Red Wolf Golf Resort in Huffman, Texas. We will be there with our tent set up and lots of fun marketing materials. Sponsored by United Community Credit Union, this fundraising event will include…
  • Go the Distance: Training for a Long-Distance Run

    BNE_HealthFitness-01 So you want to train to run a long-distance race? That’s fantastic, but like any form of exercise, long-distance race running is a sport that requires discipline and training. Whether you are new to running or just new to racing, we have tips that can help you reach your goals. Getting Started: Setting Goals The…
  • How to Fit in Exercise Even if You Have a Busy Schedule


    We all know we need to get some kind of exercise on a regular basis to perform at our best. That even includes job performance. If our bodies are not performing optimally, that affects everything from memory and brain function, to reducing stress and anxiety. Ironically, the more stressed we are at work, and the more long hours we slave away at the office, we convince ourselves that we’re too tired or there’s no time to exercise. Then the cycle starts all over again.

  • Exercise with Your Best Friend!

    The benefits of exercise are numerous and it can be even more beneficial with your dog! You and your pet can have a fun cardio workout together and it’s a great motivator to spice up the routine of long jogs. Before reaching full running speed, make sure to ease into the run first. The American…
  • Post-Marathon Recovery

    NEC_Marathon The big day for local marathon runners is almost here. The Houston Marathon is expected to take place on January 19 and if you are one of the runners, you have probably been training tirelessly for the past few weeks. But, do you know what steps to take for a successful recovery after the marathon…
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