

  • Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids


    Getting kids to eat healthy can be difficult sometimes. They are surrounded by ads and commercials for junk food and every fast food imaginable. Also, it’s hard to monitor everything they put in their mouths when they are at friends’ houses or out with well-meaning family members who may not share your feelings about eating healthy. Maybe this is a new lifestyle for your family, and getting them on the healthy bandwagon is proving somewhat difficult. Luckily, eating healthy doesn’t mean kale chips and raw veggies during snack time. There are several ways to make their favorite foods healthier, and they won’t even know it’s good for them.

  • Stay Fit Even in the Work Place!


    Everyone struggles with staying fit and healthy these days, but 8 hour work days in offices or cubicles can make that struggle ten times worse. Neighbors has some suggestions that will not only help you stay fit, you can also avoid long term physical and health issues just by doing these few simple things for a little bit everyday at work.

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