
High Blood Pressure

  • Don’t Ignore Hypertension – The Silent Killer

    hypertension Also known as high blood pressure, Hypertension is a common condition affecting about 75 million Americans. It occurs when the force of blood against artery walls becomes too great from increase in blood flow or narrow arteries. Over time this condition can damage blood vessels and your heart, and lead to more serious issues like…
  • Why You Should Eat Less Sugar

    eat less sugar

    Most of us know that eating too much sugar is not good for your health, but you may not know all the places where sugar hides. If you eat cereal for breakfast, use salad dressing, or dip your french fries in ketchup, you are probably consuming more sugar than you realize. The American Heart Association recommends consuming no more than six teaspoons of added sugar per day for women and no more than ten teaspoons per day for men.

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