

  • Top 5 Summer Emergencies

    summer injuries No one plans a trip to the emergency room, but with summer activities going on, unexpected situations may arise. Dubbed “trauma season,” ERs usually see a double in traumatic injuries in children. It’s not just kids- adult ER cases jump about 30 percent. Be cautious during these common outdoor activities and have a safe summer.…
  • 5 Ways to Avoid Suffering Heat Stroke During Summer and the Signs

    heat stroke With summer just around the corner, temperatures will soon be increasing, which means extreme heat levels are to be expected. This is also the time of year when we see a rise in heat strokes. A heat stroke occurs when the body’s temperature elevates to about 104°F (40°C) or higher, and the body’s vital systems…
  • Most Common Summer ER Visits

    ER Summer Visit The summer months are a great time to enjoy time with your family and relax. However, emergency room visits spike during the summer months for various reasons. From more constant outdoor chores, to daylight savings extending the hours kids can go outside and play, the warm weather brings more chances of accidents and injuries. As…
  • How to Get More Fiber Into Your Diet


    You have probably heard from your doctor, your parents, and the media that you should be eating more fiber, but you may not know why. A high fiber diet can reduce the risk of stroke, heart disease, and hypertension. And as most of us know, a diet high in fiber can keep your bowels running smoothly. The truth is that most of us do not get enough fiber in our diets…

  • Healthy Summer Cocktails


    Summer is the perfect time to kick back and relax with cool, refreshing cocktail. Unfortunately, cocktails usually contain a lot of calories due to sugary mixes that are used to make these drinks. If you are trying to eat healthy or lose weight, you may not want to drink your calories. Luckily, there are healthy alternatives you can use when making your next summer cocktail.

  • Foods to Keep You Hydrated

    Healthy Avocado Fruit Salad

    It’s summer and that means the temperatures are rising and staying hydrated is of the utmost importance. It’s always a good idea to drink a lot of water during the hot summer months, but did you know certain foods can keep you hydrated as well? Take a look at these recipes, and the next time you go to the beach, or you know you will be spending a lot of time outdoors, take these hydrating foods with you.

  • How to Stay Healthy During the Summer

    Healthy Summer

    Summer is one of the best times of the year. There are so many outdoor activities to participate in, but sometimes, injuries and accidents can happen. Whether you are at the beach, the pool, or the park, here are some tips to stay happy and healthy during the hot summer months…

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