

  • How to Eat Healthy When You’re Broke

    BNE_Health&Fitness-01 Many people want to have healthier lifestyles, which means eating healthier and more nutritious meals. This also usually means cooking more at home and eating out less. At first, you may be very excited to embark on this new journey. You make a grocery list, and you probably decide to buy everything organic. Organic means…
  • The Big Deal With Bone Broth

    BNE_Blog_Template_1212 The Low Down on Bone Broth You might have heard or read about people drinking bone broth for health benefits. Foodies and wellness experts claim that bone broth has replaced juicing. So what exactly is bone broth, and why is it so healthy? Bone broth is made from the bones of animals. The bones should not…
  • Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids


    Getting kids to eat healthy can be difficult sometimes. They are surrounded by ads and commercials for junk food and every fast food imaginable. Also, it’s hard to monitor everything they put in their mouths when they are at friends’ houses or out with well-meaning family members who may not share your feelings about eating healthy. Maybe this is a new lifestyle for your family, and getting them on the healthy bandwagon is proving somewhat difficult. Luckily, eating healthy doesn’t mean kale chips and raw veggies during snack time. There are several ways to make their favorite foods healthier, and they won’t even know it’s good for them.

  • Make Your Favorite Take Out Foods at Home

    BNE_BlogPost_WHatsCooking_02 After a long day, many of us don’t feel like making dinner and prefer to call our favorite Chinese, Indian, or Mexican restaurant or place an order online for take out. It’s just so easy, and the dishes are usually comforting and delicious. Take out saves time, but it’s not very friendly on your waistline…
  • Get Saucy!

    BNE_What'sCooking1 When people think of eating healthy, skinless chicken breasts usually come to mind. Chicken breasts are a very lean source of protein but unfortunately, they are not the most exciting food to eat. Luckily, chicken is like a blank canvas and you can dress it up however you like to make it more exciting. These…
  • Make Your Favorite Comfort Foods Healthy


    When the weather is chilly and all we want to do is crawl under a blanket, we also want to indulge in our favorite comfort foods to make that warm, fuzzy feeling last. Unfortunately, these dishes are usually not very healthy and can leave us feeling sluggish and maybe with a few extra pounds. Luckily, there are ways to make classic comfort foods a little healthier and still delicious.

  • Healthy Soup Recipes for Winter


    It is officially winter, which means most people want to put the salads on hold for something more hearty and warm. If eating soup usually means pouring it out of can and heating it up in the microwave, we challenge you to put down the can opener and try these easy and healthy recipes.

  • Healthy Holiday Dishes for Parties and Potlucks

    shutterstock_110601353 The Most Yummy Time of the Year During the holiday season, parties and potlucks abound. There are always several high calorie dishes to choose from, but if you’re trying to eat healthy, these events can be stressful and can possibly derail your weight loss efforts. Here are some healthy and delicious ideas for dishes you…
  • Put Those Holiday Leftovers to Work


    Let’s admit it. Leftovers have it pretty rough. They sit around in the refrigerator for days after their debut, and they usually get pushed to the side and forgotten about until it’s too late and they end up in the garbage. The holidays are prime time for leftovers because of all the parties. Now, instead of throwing out all of that delicious food, here are some exciting recipes to turn those leftovers into crowd-pleasing dishes.

  • A Healthier Thanksgiving


    Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday and a great time to visit with family and friends. For those who are trying to lose weight, or just like to stick to a healthy eating regimen despite the holiday, Thanksgiving can be stressful. Here are some ways to make Thanksgiving a little healthier.

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