
NEC 24

  • Great Reasons to Work Out Besides Losing Weight

    BNE_health&fitness_01 Most people start an exercise or fitness program because they want to lose weight. This is a good motivator, but it really shouldn’t be the only reason you work out. At some point, you may hit a plateau or reach your weight loss goal. There are so many other benefits from exercising on a regular…
  • Neighbors News and Upcoming Events

    shutterstock_165818507 Glenn York Elementary PTO Carnival On Saturday, February 28, Neighbors will attend the Glenn York Elementary PTO Carnival in Pearland, TX. We will be there from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. and will be have lots of giveaways at our table. Glenn York Elementary is located at 2720 Kingsley Drive, Pearland, TX 78754.  If you…
  • The Big Deal With Bone Broth

    BNE_Blog_Template_1212 The Low Down on Bone Broth You might have heard or read about people drinking bone broth for health benefits. Foodies and wellness experts claim that bone broth has replaced juicing. So what exactly is bone broth, and why is it so healthy? Bone broth is made from the bones of animals. The bones should not…
  • An Introduction to Kettlebell Workouts


    If you belong to a gym, you may have seen those things by the free weights that look like cannonballs with handles. Those are kettlebells and are not to be confused with cast iron door stops.

  • Neighbors News and Upcoming Events

    BNE_BlogPost_TheBeat_01 Mardi Gras on the Sabine Motor Parade On Saturday, February 7, 2015, Neighbors Emergency Center will participate in the 12th Annual Krewe of Krewe’s Mardi Gras on the Sabine Motor Parade. The theme is “Mardi Gras Rocks” and will begin at the Downtown Pavilion at 6 p.m. The Parade is hosted by the Greater Orange…
  • Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids


    Getting kids to eat healthy can be difficult sometimes. They are surrounded by ads and commercials for junk food and every fast food imaginable. Also, it’s hard to monitor everything they put in their mouths when they are at friends’ houses or out with well-meaning family members who may not share your feelings about eating healthy. Maybe this is a new lifestyle for your family, and getting them on the healthy bandwagon is proving somewhat difficult. Luckily, eating healthy doesn’t mean kale chips and raw veggies during snack time. There are several ways to make their favorite foods healthier, and they won’t even know it’s good for them.

  • How to Avoid Knee Pain and Injuries


    Knee injuries are one of the most common injuries for active people. It is usually caused by a one-time acute injury to the knee, or from repetitive use and age. Luckily, there are several things you can do to prevent knee injuries, and if you do hurt your knee, you won’t be relegated to sitting on the sidelines. There are modifications you can do to keep a healthy, active lifestyle.

  • What Are Your Neighbors Up To?

    BNE_BlogPost_TheBeat_01 2015 Texas Independence Day Bike Tour On Saturday, January 17, 2015, Neighbors participated as a sponsor of the 2015 Texas Independence Day Bike Tour. The event took place near the San Jacinto Battleground and benefitted the Deer Park Rotary Club’s service and scholarship programs. The race brought cyclists from all over the Houston area and…
  • Make Your Favorite Take Out Foods at Home

    BNE_BlogPost_WHatsCooking_02 After a long day, many of us don’t feel like making dinner and prefer to call our favorite Chinese, Indian, or Mexican restaurant or place an order online for take out. It’s just so easy, and the dishes are usually comforting and delicious. Take out saves time, but it’s not very friendly on your waistline…
  • How to Tell if You Have Adrenal Fatigue

    BNE_BlogPost_Health&Fitness_02 What is Adrenal Fatigue? If you have never heard of adrenal fatigue, you may not even know you have it. Your adrenal glands sit on top of your kidneys and are in charge of producing cortisol, which helps regulate your metabolism and helps your body respond to stress. When you undergo long periods of stress…
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