

  • How to Create Your Own Home Gym


    If you want to get in shape or just maintain your fitness routine, a home gym could be the right option for you. In the long run, having a home gym is cheaper than a gym membership. Also, if your gym is just in the next room, you will be more motivated to work out. You don’t have to talk yourself into getting dressed and driving to the gym. If you have never worked out at home or you are used to going to a gym, start with some inexpensive pieces of equipment and see how you do first.

  • Matcha Tea: The New Health Food of 2015


    Chances are, if you have read any health blogs or articles, you have probably heard about matcha tea. Still, you may not know exactly what it is or why it’s the next big health food. Matcha tea is the dried leaves of green tea ground into a powder. Unlike most forms of green tea, farmers cover the leaves with a heavy cloth for three weeks before they are harvested in May.

  • Make Realistic New Year’s Resolutions (and Stick to Them)


    The beginning of the new year can be exciting because you get to start over and wipe the slate clean. It can also be stressful because you may feel the need to make some big life changes in the form of New Year’s resolutions. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to change for the better whether that’s losing weight, quitting smoking, or resolving to reduce the stress in your life. Just remember to be realistic about attaining your goals and by this time next year, you may have achieved an amazing goal.

  • Stay Energized During the Holidays


    This is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, but most of us are overwhelmed with parties, shopping, and family obligations that it’s hard to enjoy the holiday season. Even though Christmas Day is almost here, and New Years Eve will follow shortly thereafter, that doesn’t mean you’re any less stressed. It seems the closer we get to the big holidays, the more frazzled we get. Here are some easy tips to give you more energy as you enter the holiday home stretch.

  • What to Eat to Prevent Getting a Cold or the Flu


    The foods you eat and your general nutrition plays a big role in your ability to fight off illness. Good nutrition boosts your immune system, giving your body the power to resist viruses like the cold or flu. The vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants you get from food help to protect your body against harmful germs.

  • How to Fit in Exercise Even if You Have a Busy Schedule


    We all know we need to get some kind of exercise on a regular basis to perform at our best. That even includes job performance. If our bodies are not performing optimally, that affects everything from memory and brain function, to reducing stress and anxiety. Ironically, the more stressed we are at work, and the more long hours we slave away at the office, we convince ourselves that we’re too tired or there’s no time to exercise. Then the cycle starts all over again.

  • Don’t Let Your Office Make You Sick

    Health Fitness

    Cold and flu season is upon us, and the office is one of the worst places for germs to spread. Since no one likes to be under the weather, and no one likes that person who comes to work sick as a dog, here are some tips on how to avoid getting the cold or flu this year.

  • Stay Fit Even in the Work Place!


    Everyone struggles with staying fit and healthy these days, but 8 hour work days in offices or cubicles can make that struggle ten times worse. Neighbors has some suggestions that will not only help you stay fit, you can also avoid long term physical and health issues just by doing these few simple things for a little bit everyday at work.

  • Eat More Fiber

    North Americans eat less than half the fiber they should be eating. That’s a shame; in recent years, fiber, or indigestible plant matter, has been shown to have tons of health benefits. It tricks your body into thinking it’s full so you don’t overeat. It lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It can reduce the…
  • To Drink or Not to Drink

    Do you really know what you’re imbibing? Here’s a list of 6 drinks that might make you think twice before taking another sip: Soy Milk Although a solid alternative to traditional dairy milk, lactose-free, and rich with omega-3’s, soy milk has been linked to prostate and breast cancer due to phytoestrogen. It has also been…
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