

  • Power Up With the Right Breakfast


    They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. One of the reasons for this is because it is the meal that “breaks” the “fast” from when you were sleeping. It makes sense then that it should pack a nutritional punch to really get you going and keep you going through the first part of your day. One of the best ways to fuel up for the day is to start off with whole grains, or complex carbohydrates, and some protein. Both fill you up and give you energy. A bowl of oatmeal topped with fresh fruit and one scrambled egg on the side is an example of this powerful combination.

  • How to Fit in Exercise Even if You Have a Busy Schedule


    We all know we need to get some kind of exercise on a regular basis to perform at our best. That even includes job performance. If our bodies are not performing optimally, that affects everything from memory and brain function, to reducing stress and anxiety. Ironically, the more stressed we are at work, and the more long hours we slave away at the office, we convince ourselves that we’re too tired or there’s no time to exercise. Then the cycle starts all over again.

  • Neighbors in the Community

    TheBeat_02 Neighbors Emergency Center will be very busy this November attending several events throughout the communities in the Houston and Austin areas. Veterans Day Parade On Saturday, November 8, 2014, Neighbors will be participating in the Cedar Park Veterans Day Parade. Come out and pay tribute with us to our brave military veterans. The parade begins…
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