November 2015

  • Cooking with Quinoa

    Cooking with Quinoa A recent food that has gained popularity in the world of healthy eating is quinoa. Pronounced “keen-whah” this gluten-free source of protein is a full of iron, and fiber, and is a great source of whole grains. Quinoa is actually a seed that originated thousands of years ago in the Andes Mountains. It not only…
  • Dairy Alternatives and Their Pro’s and Con’s

    Dairy Alternatives and Their Pro’s and Con’s Lactose intolerance is fairly common, affecting about 30 to 50 million Americans. Lactose intolerance can be genetic, or can be the result of damage to the small intestine from infection. It is more prominent in specific populations, such as among African Americans, Asians and Native Americans. It is also something that can increase with age,…
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