What’s Cooking

  • Healthy Soup Recipes for Winter


    It is officially winter, which means most people want to put the salads on hold for something more hearty and warm. If eating soup usually means pouring it out of can and heating it up in the microwave, we challenge you to put down the can opener and try these easy and healthy recipes.

  • Healthy Holiday Dishes for Parties and Potlucks

    shutterstock_110601353 The Most Yummy Time of the Year During the holiday season, parties and potlucks abound. There are always several high calorie dishes to choose from, but if you’re trying to eat healthy, these events can be stressful and can possibly derail your weight loss efforts. Here are some healthy and delicious ideas for dishes you…
  • Put Those Holiday Leftovers to Work


    Let’s admit it. Leftovers have it pretty rough. They sit around in the refrigerator for days after their debut, and they usually get pushed to the side and forgotten about until it’s too late and they end up in the garbage. The holidays are prime time for leftovers because of all the parties. Now, instead of throwing out all of that delicious food, here are some exciting recipes to turn those leftovers into crowd-pleasing dishes.

  • Have Your Dessert and Eat It Too


    In various countries and cultures, meals typically end with a dessert dish. A sweet treat is a nice way to round out a nutritious dinner. The nutrition doesn’t have to end with the main course, though. Plenty of dessert dishes can be healthy alternatives to heavy cakes and ice creams. During the holidays especially, it’s helpful to remember that these lighter alternatives can make for healthier holiday feasts.

  • Power Up With the Right Breakfast


    They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. One of the reasons for this is because it is the meal that “breaks” the “fast” from when you were sleeping. It makes sense then that it should pack a nutritional punch to really get you going and keep you going through the first part of your day. One of the best ways to fuel up for the day is to start off with whole grains, or complex carbohydrates, and some protein. Both fill you up and give you energy. A bowl of oatmeal topped with fresh fruit and one scrambled egg on the side is an example of this powerful combination.

  • A Healthier Thanksgiving


    Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday and a great time to visit with family and friends. For those who are trying to lose weight, or just like to stick to a healthy eating regimen despite the holiday, Thanksgiving can be stressful. Here are some ways to make Thanksgiving a little healthier.

  • Try Some Unique and Creative Treats This Halloween!


    Whether you’re hosting your own Halloween party, bringing bites and snacks to a friend’s pumpkin carving party, or if you are just tired of giving out the same old candy like you do every year, Neighbors is here with a few crafty, but surprisingly simple treats you can make easily to liven up your Halloween this year! Don’t worry – they don’t involve flax seed or wheat germ, but they are healthier substitutes for many Halloween candy staples.

  • The Power of the Sweet Potato

    NEC_What'sCookingBlog_02 Fall is here, and that means the glorious tuber known as the sweet potato is in season. The sweet potato is very healthy, as long as they aren’t covered in brown sugar and marshmallows. Sweet potatoes have wonderful health benefits. They are high in vitamins B6, C, and D. They are also a good source…
  • 5 Healthier Versions of Unhealthy Foods


    Everyone is familiar with the classics like baking chicken instead of frying it and replacing salt with herbs and seasonings for flavor, but what about other ways to make the otherwise unhealthy foods we love better for us? If only to feel less guilty or to try and live a healthier lifestyle, here are some new recipes for you to try at home to make your eating habits a bit better for your body!

  • What’s On Your Plate?

    BNE_Blog_Template-02 Many of remember the USDA Food Pyramid and how it affected our dietary choices. Well, now we have MyPlate. While the plate diagram has been around since 2011, it’s important to fully understand it in terms of a well-balanced meal.  MyPlate presents us with five food groups—fruits, grains, vegetables, protein, and dairy—so let’s look at…
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