What’s Cooking

  • Seafood for the Soul

    cooking-150x150 They key to a healthy (and delicious) diet can be found in the simplest of places, including the sea. Many seafoods are low in calories, sodium and cholesterol. They are also full of protein, vitamins, and minerals. From shrimp and salmon, to crab and catfish there is a dish for everyone to enjoy. Check out…
  • Don’t Be a Chicken- Try Something New

    cooking-150x150 Spice up your life! Or better yet, spice up the chicken in your life. Chicken is an easy and manageable meat that we all have come to know and love as a household dinner staple. But, sometimes our basic chicken recipes can get a bit bland. Try something new this week with these untraditional chicken…
  • Fall in Love with Avocados

    cooking-150x150 Avocados seem to be the new super fruit of the moment. You can find them incorporated in many foods and recipes from salads and smoothies to pasta and desserts. So what makes this unique fruit so amazing? In each serving of avocados there are about 20 vitamins and minerals, all with excellent health benefits for…
  • Foods to Help You GO


    Constipation is not fun to talk about, but it’s even less fun to have. Taboo as it may seem, it is extremely common in the United States with over 42 million people affected. Although bowel movements differ from person to person, fewer than three movements a week may indicate that there is a problem.

  • Dinner for Two- Making the Ultimate Reservation at Home


    Love is in the air. And so is that amazing aroma of your delicious valentine’s day meal. This year skip all the traffic, crowded restaurants, and the pricey bill and make a reservation for two right in your own home. It may seems like too much work to prepare the entire meal yourself, but it doesn’t have to be! Here are some simple and delicious meals that you can make for your sweetheart on February 14th. Each dish takes less than 10 minutes to prepare.

  • Don’t Quit The Quinoa

    wc-small The word is hard to pronounce [keen-wa], but that shouldn’t deter you from this healthy plant. According to Medical News Today, quinoa has excellent levels of vitamins, like B-vitamins and vitamin E, and potassium, calcium, fiber, and protein, just to name a few. Even more, it’s a versatile ingredient in a variety of dishes. Here…
  • Get your Noodle Fix- Without the Noodles


    Let’s face it- even though pasta is oh so delicious, it’s not always the best carb to be constantly eating. Delicious pasta dishes like spaghetti with meatballs and fettuccine alfredo can have an outrageous calorie count, and enough carbs to satisfy our bodies for a week. So how do we indulge sans all the guilt? Try these clever low calorie alternatives that taste just like the real thing!

  • Crock-pot Cooking: easy slow cook recipes


    The formula for delicious, yet extremely easy meals is one that has long been discovered, but is not utilized enough: crockpots. Having a meal ready to go is as simple as throwing a handful of ingredients in a slow cooker, selecting a setting, and building up an appetite until it’s time to eat. From breakfast to dessert here are some delicious recipes to get your next crockpot meal started.

  • Winter Veggies Are Coming, And You Will Love Them


    Some vegetables have a bad rap. We’re talking about those Brussels sprouts (yuck!), asparagus (gross!), and beets (disgusting!), just to name a few. But these sturdy veggies are actually quite versatile. Quite often the reason people avoid them is due to faulty preparation. For instance, take the Brussels sprout. Logic might say boil them, but this method actually leeches any potential flavor, making an already bitter bite more intolerable.

  • Paleo for Newbies


    With the New Year in full swing, people are exploring new diets to help with the resolution of losing weight. One diet that has become extremely popular is the Paleo diet. The Paleo diet is a diet based on the types of food presumed to be eaten by earlier humans. It consists mainly of meat, fish, vegetables, and fruit.

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