The Next Big Thing

From Zumba to aerial pilates it always seems like there is something new in the fitness world. As we strive to get fit, and be healthy, it’s fun to try something out-of-the-box every once in awhile. These trends are so new, you may not be able to find a class near you. But, each new innovate workout can be found online, and on dvd. Take a look at some of the next big fitness trends and see what you would be willing to try!


If you have a passion for music and love cardio this Pound workout may be for you. Pound is a new cardio class that uses weighted drumsticks, or as the program calls them“Ripstixs”. 


It fuses Pilates, isometric movements, and constant drumming to isolate and build up your muscles.The intensity is extreme, and you can burn up 900 calories in only 45 minutes. The routines are simple to follow and are set to the beat of popular songs so you can easily follow along. If you’re not musically inclined, don’t worry!  There are beginner rhythms to follow along to.


Zumba Step

If you already love Zumba, mix it up with the new Zumba Step. This form of Zumba combines the dance-party you love with an aerobic step routine. 

It adds an extra dimension that is more challenging, and burns more calories. The extra concentration on your lower body helps to strengthen your legs and glutes.

Team Workouts

Nothing helps you work towards your goal of getting fit like teammates. New competition based classes are forming, where your workouts rely on group motivation. This not only makes your fitness class more exciting, but produces better results.


Some spin classes take this approach by dividing classes into groups and competing for the highest energy output. While your team’s average score is displayed, your score is for your eyes only.


With Groove you can dance your calories away without worrying about perfectly performing all the intricate dance moves instructed. This revolutionary dance workout combines intense music with simplistic moves. You are encouraged to move freely in whatever way that you like. It has been designed to uniquely fit each and every person that uses it. The workout is full of cardio, so you will always be moving. And the best part- there is no “wrong” way to Groove out!

Neighbors Emergency Center supports your start to a healthier lifestyle. Check our Facebook page to stay updated on what Neighbors is doing and new center openings. With our 24-hour emergency rooms throughout the Houston metro area, we can treat you quickly and effectively so you can get back to doing what you love.

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