admin Wed, 15 Aug 2018 08:00:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 15 Injuries that Require Emergency Care Thu, 27 Jul 2017 21:23:41 +0000 The post 15 Injuries that Require Emergency Care appeared first on .


Urgent Care Centers are an excellent source for minor medical care. However, some emergencies require a higher trained staff and more complex medical equipment. When your needs, or the needs of your family, are critical it is important to take these situations seriously and seek emergency care. Here are 15 injuries that will require fast or advanced emergency treatment that should be provided in an emergency room setting.

Emergency Room vs Urgent Care

1-Persistent chest pain, especially if it originates in the arm or jaw

2- Difficulty breathing, speaking, or talking. These could be symptoms of a stroke

3- Severe pain, especially in the abdomen

4- Severe loss of balance, sudden clumsiness or unexplained fainting

5- Sudden paralysis, especially if it is taking place on one side of the body

6- Newborn babies (3 months or younger) with temperatures over 100.4 degrees

7-Deep cuts that continuously bleed and may require stitches- especially if they are on the face

8- Severe flu or cold symptoms, including persistent vomiting or diarrhea

9- Head or eye injuries

10- Serious burns

11- Seizures that are not pre-diagnosed with epilepsy

12- Broken bones and dislocated joints

13- Sudden vision changes, including complete or partial vision loss

14- Any high fever, especially those involving a rash

15-Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy

Neighbors Emergency Center has several locations throughout Texas. We are right around the corner from you, and you can see your wait time for any location online now!

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Why Neighbors Has the Shortest Wait Times Thu, 27 Jul 2017 21:06:18 +0000 The post Why Neighbors Has the Shortest Wait Times appeared first on .


Did you know that the average wait time at Neighbors Emergency Center is between 5 to 10 minutes?

Unlike hospital ERs that can keep you waiting up to 10 hours, we get you in and out of our doors in no time. Learn the top five reason that makes us stand out and make lives better everyday.

ER wait time

Quality Staff

Our nurses and front desk staff provide excellent service to each and every patient that walks through our doors. Expect to be greeted with friendly smiles and quickly helped. It is always our goal to get patients through triage and speaking with a nurse or doctor as quickly as possible.

Convenient Locations

Neighbors has many locations throughout the Houston area. We pride ourselves on serving and providing the best medical care in many communities.. Hospitals can have crowded parking lots, as well as crammed and unkept waiting rooms. Our facilities have easy parking and clean and comfortable waiting rooms.

Knowledgeable Board-Certified Physicians

All of our physicians at Neighbors are board-certified. That means they have taken the additional step of passing an exam that tests their medical knowledge and clinical judgment. This allows us to serve you with the dedication and knowledge patients deserve from their physicians. We want you to feel confident with our passionate, patient-focused experience, medical knowledge and clinical judgment to properly diagnose, treat and save lives.

State-of-the-art Equipment

Our ERs have state-of-the-art equipment, including CT scanners, X-rays and ultrasounds. This equipment means you can be tested on-site without waiting in a long line of patients. In addition, you will have your results quickly, giving you immediate access to proper treatment.

Patient Driven Focus

At Neighbors Emergency Center our focus is always on the patient. We believe in providing extraordinary care that is dedicated to Making Lives Better every day. Neighbors Emergency Center operates with an unfaltering vision to be the Best Neighbors Ever. This means providing unparalleled medical care driven by compassion, respect and dedication.

Neighbors Emergency Center has several locations throughout Texas. We are right around the corner from you, and you can see your wait time for any location online now!

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The Most Common Reasons for Back Pain Thu, 27 Jul 2017 20:04:14 +0000 The post The Most Common Reasons for Back Pain appeared first on .


Back pain can affect anyone and prevent you from functioning throughout your everyday routine. The causes of back pain are endless; however, the most common injuries can be prevented. From picking up the kids, to overdrive at the office, we want to help you get back in action for your fall schedule.



When you are trying to swing like Tiger Woods or pass like James Harden, make sure to stretch and exercise properly before, during and after your sport of choice. Sports that involve twisting, like golf, and large forces of impact, like basketball, are more prone to back pain. Even hard labor like cleaning out the garage or gardening can be equally back-breaking activities. Prevent this by exercising and strengthening your core muscles. Even switching out a desk chair for an exercise ball could help strengthen your back muscles.

Improper Lifting

Lifting heavy objects using your back can lead to back injury. The proper technique is to “lift with your legs, not your back.” Whether you’re helping someone move in or redecorating, you can prevent this by keeping your back straight and bending at the knees. Keep the object close to your body and avoid twisting when lifting. To prevent strain, it is advised to never lift something heavy above your armpit or below your knees, and never move something over 20% of your body weight.

Mindlessness During Daily Chores

Being distracted by everyday tasks can make you forget how to properly lift with your back and lead to more injuries simply because of absent mindedness or fatigue. Back pain doesn’t have to be caused by heavy lifting or exaggerated movement. Core exercises can also help strengthen your abs and your back.

Sitting All Day

Sitting in traffic, at your desk and later on the couch prevent fluid from circulating in your spine. Your back gets more stress from sitting, especially sitting and leaning forward, and leads to pressure on your disc. To prevent this, get up and move every 20 minutes when you are at the office or at home, and make sure your back is kept straight with reading material at eye level in a back-supporting chair.

Most back pain goes away in a couple days with pain relievers, however if you find it lasting longer, associated with loss of bladder/bowel control, or pain below the waist make an appointment with your doctor. Even if you practice prevention, we know emergencies can happen at any moment. Neighbors is here for your 24/7/365. Visit to find a Neighbors Emergency Center near you!

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What You Need to Know About Tetanus Thu, 27 Jul 2017 18:48:06 +0000 The post What You Need to Know About Tetanus appeared first on .


You’ve probably scheduled a tetanus shot at some point in time for your child, but do you really understand what you are protecting them against? Get educated and learn the risk factors, symptoms and treatment for tetanus.


What is Tetanus?

A tetanus infection is caused by a bacteria that is found in soil, dust and animal feces. It enters your body through a wound and releases a toxin that attacks your nerves, leading to stiffness and spasms. Deeply cut or dirty wounds are at the most risk for tetanus.

Risk Factors

Individuals who have never been vaccinated or are not up to date on their vaccinations are at risk. Tetanus can also be contracted by puncture wounds (splinters, body piercings, tattoos, injection drugs), compound fractures, burns, surgical wounds, animal/insect bites, dental infections, infected umbilical stumps in newborns (of unimmunized mothers), infected foot ulcers and gunshot wounds.

You cannot contract tetanus from an infected person.

– Spasms and stiffness in your jaw muscles (trismus)
– Stiffness of your neck muscles
– Difficulty swallowing
– Stiffness of your abdominal muscles
– Painful body spasms lasting for several minutes, typically triggered by minor occurrences, such as a draft, loud noise, physical touch or light

Possible other symptoms include fever, sweating, elevated blood pressure and rapid heart rate. Once the toxin has bonded to the nerve endings, it takes several months for new nerve endings to grow in place. Severe symptoms can lead to broken bones (from the spasms), pulmonary embolism (a blood clot in the lungs), and death (by difficulty breathing from spasms).


There is no cure for tetanus, however medication and wound care can ease symptoms. Wound care is essential to prevent the spread of the tetanus spores and should be handled immediately after injury by health personnel. The wound should be kept very clean afterwards.

Make sure your doctor knows when, where and how the injury happened in addition to your immunization record, your wound care and any chronic illness you have. Your doctor will suggest the best course of action and some alternatives.


Being properly immunized can prevent tetanus. If you were not immunized as a child, ask your doctor about the booster shot. If you are traveling abroad to a country where tetanus is common, make sure you are immunized. In general, biannual checkups are beneficial in making sure your immunizations are up to date and you are in good health.

We know you may not always be informed. Neighbors takes pride in educating the community as best we can for the safety and health of all families. We are here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.  Visit to find the Neighbors Emergency Center nearest you!

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Back to School Safety Tips Thu, 27 Jul 2017 17:21:05 +0000 The post Back to School Safety Tips appeared first on .


The school year is right around the corner, and while you’re sharpening pencils and planning lunches it is important to make sure your child has the most important back to school essential, safety. Make sure your child stays safe this coming August.

Back to school

Transportation Safety

We tell our children to “look both ways,” but we need to continue to make sure children are practicing safe habits on the bus this year. They should stand a safe distance away from the curb when the bus arrives, not walk behind the bus and avoid getting on or off the bus after it has come to a complete stop. Also,  remind them not to run into the street and to follow all crosswalk signs.

If they are old enough to drive, make sure they know the dangers of using their cell phone while driving. They should pay attention to school zone speed limits, wear their seatbelts and use their turn signal. Like your driving student, make sure you as a parent are also practicing safe driving to avoid any accidents, especially around school zones.

Children who are walking home should not be distracted by listening to music in headphones, or by using their phone. They should be fully aware of their surroundings, especially near streets.

Backpack Safety

Heavy and ill-fitting backpacks can be detrimental to a growing body. Encourage your child to pack light and to use a school locker if they have one. Your child’s backpack should match their size in width and length of torso, not extending more than 4 inches below the waist. Making sure their backpack is not too big for their frame will allow them to carry their school supplies easily. When shopping for backpacks look for multiple interior pockets to distribute weight better, thick padded shoulder straps and a back panel.

The American Chiropractic Association recommends that backpacks are no more than 10% of your child’s weight. Rolling backpacks are also warned against as they cause a tripping hazard for other children.

Sports Safety

The start of the school year means soccer practices, dance classes and football games. Make sure your child is wearing the proper safety gear like mouth guards and keeping themselves hydrated. Sports- related injuries can be lessened by learning all the rules of the game and losing the “win-at-all-costs” mentality.

Concussions are very common among contact sports and require immediate medical attention.  Symptoms may include: confusion, forgetfulness, disorientation, clumsiness, slow speech and changes in mood. Your child should feel better in a couple weeks, however symptoms could last longer and affect how they think, act or feel. Knowing the signs and being safe can help your child avoid any serious injury.

Stranger Safety

For young child make sure they memorize essential information like their home address, phone number and how to call 9-1-1. Children who are old enough to stay home alone after school until their parents come home for work should avoid answering phones and opening the door for strangers. Teach them about stranger danger and the importance of paying attention to your surroundings.

We’re always here for you as the Best Neighbors Ever if you happen to experience any unexpected health situations. With short wait times and comfortable waiting areas, Neighbors Emergency Center is  right around the corner from you open 24/7. Visit to find a location nearest you.

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Top 5 Summer Emergencies Thu, 22 Jun 2017 16:17:10 +0000 The post Top 5 Summer Emergencies appeared first on .


No one plans a trip to the emergency room, but with summer activities going on, unexpected situations may arise. Dubbed “trauma season,” ERs usually see a double in traumatic injuries in children. It’s not just kids- adult ER cases jump about 30 percent. Be cautious during these common outdoor activities and have a safe summer.

summer injuries

Camping and Hiking: The outdoors can be a great place to escape the rush of city life and enjoy a relaxing landscape. When camping and hiking, make sure you’re being safe. Allergic reactions can occur from insects and plant-based reactions. Serious falls can also land you in the ER. Many camping emergencies can happen at night, and require quick action. Don’t wait until the morning – get the medical attention you need as soon as possible.

The Beach/Pool: When you’re around any body of water, always be safe and cautious. It only takes a couple of moments for your child to start drowning. Be alert and make sure you and your kids have had swimming lessons. Playing in the sand can be very dangerous in extreme heat if you’re not properly hydrated. Protect against heat stroke by wearing sunscreen and lightweight, colored clothing, taking a break in the shade, and staying hydrated.

Bicycling: Bicycling is a great way to stay active and venture around the neighborhood or city. Make sure to wear your helmet when bicycling, head injuries are equally as common as arm/wrist injuries. Avoid bicycle vs. car accidents by taking caution and paying attention to surrounding cars who may not be able to see you when biking on streets and roads.

Barbeques: Barbeques can be a great way for family and friends to enjoy food and company outdoors. Keep children away from the grill and make sure you are handling the grill properly to avoid any fires or burns. Second degree burns can happen easily with an open flame. Be safe by teaching those around you how to use the grill (and fireworks) safely. Late night gatherings can lead to late night injuries, but remember Neighbors is open 24/7.

Summer Sports: When you’re getting out there and being active, stay safe to avoid any sports injuries. We want your sporting event to be fun and not painful. Wear the necessary sports protection like knee pads, mouth guards, and proper shoes. Make sure to stretch often, take breaks in between, and not overwork yourself. In the summer heat, playing sports outdoors can be especially taxing on your body. Stay hydrated when playing sports to replenish the water loss by sweat. Dehydration can take you to the emergency room instead of victory on the courts.

With these situations in mind, we want you to have the best summer ever. If you do happen to experience an unexpected health situation we are always here with short wait times and comfortable waiting areas. Visit to find a Neighbors Emergency Center near you!

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Why We Hire Board-Certified Doctors Thu, 22 Jun 2017 16:07:42 +0000 The post Why We Hire Board-Certified Doctors appeared first on .


At Neighbors Emergency Center we take pride in only hiring board-certified physicians to care for our patients. This allows them to serve with the dedication and knowledge patients expect from their physicians. We want you to feel confident and trust the patient-focused experience we have created to embody and comfort everyone who walks through our doors. This, along with our medical knowledge and clinical judgment give us the skills to properly diagnose, treat, and save lives.

board certified physicians

For any doctor to practice medicine in the United States, they must be licensed by the state that they work in. However, just because a doctor is licensed does not mean that they are qualified to practice a medical specialty. Examples of medical specialties are surgery, family medicine, or dermatology.

Board-certified doctors voluntarily meet extra standards that go beyond basic licensing. This demonstrates their expertise and requires additional education including the step of passing an exam that tests medical knowledge and clinical judgement. In addition, to remain board-certified physicians must actively stay updated with the latest advances and demonstrate best practices.

That is why we take our hiring process so seriously at Neighbors Emergency Center. We recruit physicians to join our team that we know have the proper medical knowledge and clinical judgment to be a great neighbor. By doing this we can provide nothing less than the high-quality patient care all emergency facilities should maintain. Our purpose is to make lives better every day, and we want you to feel confident knowing that your healthcare rests in the skilled hands of our board-certified physicians.

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Do You Know the Average ER Wait Time? Thu, 22 Jun 2017 15:52:51 +0000 The post Do You Know the Average ER Wait Time? appeared first on .


“Please take a seat. We’ll be with you as soon as we can.” These words are all too common in emergency rooms throughout America today. When you’re in pain, the last thing you want to do is wait an extended amount of time to see a doctor. But why is there such an extreme wait in an ER? Is there anywhere you can go to avoid the wait? We have the answers for you, and current wait times at the Neighbors Emergency Centers near you!

ER wait time

Why are wait times so long?

High-severity patients

In most hospital ERs patients are triaged as they arrive based on the severity of their medical situation. Those with more life threatening injuries are seen by nurses and doctors first, followed by those with more mild conditions. This is why if you have a broken bone and come into the emergency room, you may not be seen for hours if multiple high-severity patients come in after you. Someone with chest pain is likely to bump you down the waiting list and increase your wait time.


As reported by the Centers for Disease control, the average emergency room visit is about 2 hours. This includes an initial er wait time of 30 minutes, followed by treatment, which usually takes about 90 minutes. Over the years the volume of amount of people waiting continues to increase. Overcrowding continues to be an issue in hospital-based ERs.

How has Neighbors solved these problems?

Neighbors Emergency Center is a freestanding emergency center. We offer 24-hour emergency services to patients at the same level of care as hospital-based emergency rooms. However, because we operate off-site from hospitals we can provide access and wait times that are much more convenient for our patients.


The average wait time at a traditional hospital emergency room is 52 minutes


The average wait time at Neighbors Emergency Center is between 5 and 10 minutes!


Neighbors Emergency Center has several locations throughout Texas. We are right around the corner from you, and you can see your wait time for any location online now!

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Don’t Ignore Hypertension – The Silent Killer Thu, 22 Jun 2017 15:32:04 +0000 The post Don’t Ignore Hypertension – The Silent Killer appeared first on .


Also known as high blood pressure, Hypertension is a common condition affecting about 75 million Americans. It occurs when the force of blood against artery walls becomes too great from increase in blood flow or narrow arteries. Over time this condition can damage blood vessels and your heart, and lead to more serious issues like heart disease, heart attack, or stroke.


Congenital defects, or heart defects you’re born with, thyroid or kidney problems, drug and alcohol abuse, and certain medications can lead to high blood pressure.

Do You Have Hypertension?


Hypertension does not come with specific, identifiable symptoms like other conditions. Pay attention to your blood pressure readings especially if you are 18-39 and have a history of high blood pressure, or you are above the age of 40. A blood pressure reading includes two numbers: the top number is the systolic pressure, which measures the pressure when your heart beats and the bottom (or second) number is the diastolic pressure and measures the pressure between heartbeats. Blood pressure does vary throughout the day, and may change depending on size of the inflatable arm cuff, the difference between arms, short-term stress, and age.


  • Normal blood pressure is below 120 systolic/80 diastolic mm Hg.
  • Prehypertension occurs when the systolic pressure is between 120-139 mm Hg, or the diastolic pressure is between 80-89 mm Hg.
  • Stage 1 Hypertension is when the systolic pressure is between 140-159 mm Hg, or the diastolic pressure is between 90-99 mm Hg.
  • Stage 2 Hypertension is when the systolic pressure of 160 or higher, or a diastolic pressure of 100 or higher.


Typically hypertension affects African-Americans more commonly than any other race.Those who are overweight or obese, inactive, have high stress, vitamin deficiencies, or frequent drug and alcohol users are more susceptible to developing high blood pressure.

What Should You Do?

You can improve your lifestyle by adhering to a healthy diet, reducing your salt intake, exercising regularly, not smoking, limiting alcohol intake, maintaining a healthy weight, managing your stress, and if needed, taking prescription medication if suggested by your doctor. Research more about what hypertension is and what you can do by visiting the American Heart Association’s website.


Regardless of how informed you are, we know unexpected health situations occur. We are here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.  Visit to find the Neighbors Emergency Center nearest you!

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3 Types of Spider Bites to Watch for This Summer Wed, 21 Jun 2017 23:06:10 +0000 The post 3 Types of Spider Bites to Watch for This Summer appeared first on .


Ouch! Is that a… spider bite? As the summer heats up, our eight legged friends can tend to appear more frequently. Although most spiders in the United States are not poisonous, their bites can leave red, itchy wounds with side effects that need medical attention. Learn about the most common spiders, the side effects of their bites, and what you should do to tend to them.

spider bite

Common Symptoms

Many times, we don’t recognize that a spider has bitten us until hours after we have received the wound. However, regardless of what type of spider has bitten you, there are generic symptoms you can identify. They include:


  • Pain around the bite area
  • Itching or rash
  • Fevers and chills
  • Blistering that is red or purple in color
  • Muscle pain or cramping
  • Sweating and difficulty breathing
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headaches

Types of spider bites


Brown Recluse Bite

Brown recluse spiders are common in eastern Texas. They hide in dark secluded spaces and are usually not aggressive. The only reason they may bite you is if they are trapped against your skin.

When these spiders initially bite you it is painless. However, within eight hours your skin will begin to itch, hurt, and turn red. In addition, a red or purple ring may begin to form around the bite. Without treatment brown recluse bites will get progressively worse and begin to blister. The bite can kill surrounding tissue and lead to fevers, chills, and headaches. There is no antidote for brown recluse bite. To treat your bite simply keep the area clean. You can also visit the doctor, and they can prescribe you antibiotics. In extreme cases when tissue death occurs you will need to go to the hospital for potential surgery.  

Black Widow Bite

Black widows can often be found in warm, southern states, like Texas. They are shiny, black, and hourglass shaped with a distinct red mark on their bodies. You can normally find them in spaces like the attic or basement, or among leaves or woodpiles. When black widow’s bite you may feel a slight prick of pain, or nothing at all. Your skin will react to the bite almost immediately and result in muscle cramping, pain and burning by the bite. You may also get a headache, begin sweating, or experience nausea and vomiting. You should be prompt when you see these bites, and visit your local Neighbors Emergency Center.  

Hobo Spider Bite

Hobo Spiders are most common in the Pacific Northwest. They move very quickly on their long legs, and tend to attack people if they are provoked. They can commonly be found in window seals, the garbage, behind furniture, under baseboards, and in closets. When hobo spiders first bite, it tends to go unnoticed, but pain and numbness will occur in about 15 minutes or less. The bite site will then begin to turn red before eventually becoming hard and swollen after about 8 hours. After a day, or two, the bite may discharge fluids or even turn black. If you suspect you have been bitten by a hobo spider, seek medical treatment immediately, as antibiotics or even surgery may be needed.

If you have any unexpected spider bites this summer, remember we’re in your neighborhood! We are here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Visit to find the Neighbors Emergency Center nearest you!

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