Categories: The Beat

The Secret to a Healthy Holiday

As the holiday season approaches, so do all the parties and gatherings full of yummy drinks, foods, and desserts. Be proactive instead of reactive this year and avoid the traditional holiday weight gain. Neighbors Emergency Center’s Dr. Chilton was featured on We Are Austin this week to discuss the all of the Holiday Diet and Exercise Do’s and Don’ts.

Holiday Diet and Exercise Don’ts

Don’t skip meals
Don’t over-indulge on rich/fatty foods, sweets, and alcohol
Don’t miss a chance to go for a walk and exercise
Don’t forget to plan

Holiday Diet and Exercise Do’s

Eat frequent, smaller, healthy meals
Control portion size and eat slowly
Schedule daily exercise
Have New Year’s “pre-solutions”

Remember planning ahead is the key to be successful with avoiding the holiday weight. Avoid becoming the third of all people end up gaining weight from the first of November through the end of the year. Happy Holidays!
