Categories: What's Cooking

Super Spinach to the Rescue!

We all have vegetables we refused to eat as children. From broccoli to beets, some things had a taste that simply could not be masked. However, some of those foods eventually won our hearts over and turned into delicious veggies we simply cannot live without. A common example is spinach. This dark and leafy green is filled with vitamins and nutrients and can easily be transformed into almost any dish. From salads and soups, to dips and pasta, it can be incorporated in multiple ways. Try these new different ways to prepare spinach dishes.

Spinach Soup

Using spinach in soups is an excellent way to add color, flavor and nutrients. Many people add a large handful of spinach to their favorite soups. It can add a sense of balance to soups that may be a little heavier and contain ingredients like beans, pasta, or potatoes.

It’s also easy to pack your soups full of your favorite flavors. If you’re a huge fan of garlic throw an extra clove in before you blend and enjoy the extra kick. This recipe for Creamy Spinach Soup is based out of India. It’s full of delicious spices and only takes 15 minutes to make. It’s also dairy free and vegan friendly.

Sauteed Spinach

Cooking your spinach on the stove top is easy and fast. Your recipe can be as easy or complex as you would like. You can simply throw a handful of spinach in a skillet with garlic, olive oil, and lemon juice. For extra heat you can sprinkle in some red pepper flakes.

It’s quick, and oh so good. For a more complex and flavorful recipe try Sauteed Spinach in Fennel Tomato Sauce. The additional flavors of cumin, cinnamon, chiles, garlic, and ginger are added to the mix. The tomatoes add an extra dimension of flavor you won’t be able to get enough of.

Spinach Muffins

Although it may seem like a bit of a stretch to add spinach to your baked goods, trust us on this. Adding a cup of pureed spinach to your favorite brownie or cake recipe adds a nutritional boost, and can help you feel a bit less guilty about taking another slice.

However, if you’re not ready to green up your desserts, try taking a more savory approach. Savory Whole Grain Spinach Biscuit Muffins are the perfect side for a meal, or stand alone snack. This recipe won’t hide the green- literally. They are light and moist, and of course delicious.

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