Categories: Health & Fitness

Keep Your Kids Germ Free This School Year

Believe it or not, the average American child has six to 10 colds every year. This results in colds being the leading cause for doctor’s visits and missed school days for children. So, what can parents do to prevent their children from getting sick in a school full of germs daily? The best way to stop germs before they spread is to have a good defense.

Teach your child how to properly wash their hands. This specifically means knowing they must constantly wash their hands throughout the day, and do so with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Studies have shown that only half of middle school and high school students wash their hands after using the bathroom. Even more concerning,

only 33 percent of girls and 8 percent of boys used soap. Children generally get colds because they constantly touch their eyes and nose with germy hands. These cold virus germs quickly spread, but can easily be prevented. If your child has a field trip, or outdoor event, be sure to provide them with hand sanitizing gel or wipes as an alternative.

Also, teach your child to be aware of germ etiquette. If they see another child, or have a friend with symptoms of sickness, they should know to move away, and not mingle. In addition, if your own child is ill, or has symptoms such as sneezing or coughing, they should know to cover their mouths and use and discard of tissue paper immediately

to prevent their germs from spreading. The spreading of germs can also be prevented by prepping your child with what should and should not be shared at school. Items such as lip balm, lotions, earbuds, and locker towels should be viewed as personal times.

Finally build your child’s immunity for germs, starting in your home. Make sure that they get plenty of sleep and exercise, and have well-balanced diets. Healthy lunches and snacks are an excellent way to keep your child’s immune system strong. Also be aware of their stress levels both academically and socially.

All these things attribute to having a healthy child from the inside out.

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