Categories: The Beat

Helping to End Houston Hunger

Tens of thousands of Houston residents are too poor to feed themselves. The problem only gets worse in the summer, when children can’t receive free cafeteria lunches at school and parents are forced to find room in the budget for more food or watch their kids go hungry. The annual KHOU 11 Summer Food Drive, which this year ran from July 7 to July 20, is designed to alleviate out city’s hunger problem. Both individuals and companies donated nonperishable food items to the Houston Food Bank, which distributes food to residents in need throughout southeast Texas.

This year, Neighbors Emergency Center was one of many proud donors to the KHOU 11 Summer Food Drive. We gave canned food items to the Houston Food Bank, hoping to help improve our community and live up to our promise to be the best neighbors ever. We care for our neighbors not only by offering the best 24 hour emergency care in Houston but also by giving our time and money to those who need it most.
