Categories: Health & Fitness

Helpful Tips for Allergy Season

Spring is always a brutal season for people with allergies, with 67 million Americans suffering each year. There are many acts of nature to blame for the rude awakening of pollen in your airways, but there are lots of ways to prevent nature from ruining a good season!

1- Don’t Bring the Outside Inside

Pollen can cling onto almost anything so make sure you change out of your work clothes and leave your shoes outside as soon as you get home. Don’t let outside particles linger in your home and cause any discomfort.

2- Get a great workout indoors

Try sticking to indoor workouts during allergy season to avoid going outside. This may mean skipping a neighborhood walk or jog; however, your body will thank you for it later. Pop in a workout video on your TV at home, or head to the gym for a great indoor workout!

3- Know when to stay inside

Pollen counts are usually high between 5am and 10am, so avoid being outdoors during this time if possible. If you must go outside, keep it brief to protect your allergies from flaring up. If you do want to grab a little time in the sun, check your local pollen count to see the best time to take in the outdoors.

4- Be consistent with your allergy medication

If you are one of the many Americans who need allergy shots, your visit to the doctor is crucial. Each patient has different symptoms and triggers. Ask your doctor what they recommend so that you can get the correct dosage of medication that’s right for you.

5- Protect the inside of your home

Since pollen can get caught in airways, take some time to change your air filters regularly during allergy season. This is a simple task that can greatly improve your quality of life. Keeping the air inside your home clean, will cause less daily allergy irritation.

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