Categories: Health & Fitness

Enjoy Holiday Meals Without Overdoing It

The holidays are a time of merriment and celebration for many. The season offers a chance to gather around a delicious meal, relaxing with friends and family. When faced with all those delectable treats, however, it’s easy to overdo it and end up feeling uncomfortably full or gaining a couple of extra pounds. Here are a few ways to avoid too much stuffing.

Remember to Exercise

With all the planning and cooking, gift-getting and carol singing, exercise might get put on the back burner this time of year. It’s important, though, to try your best to keep up with your regular exercise routine through the holidays.

Regular exercise will help maintain a healthy metabolism, keep your circulation flowing for those colder evenings, and unclutter your mind to make meal and shopping planning much easier. If you don’t yet have a regular workout routine, the holidays are a great time to start. You can get a jumpstart on all those resolutions by committing yourself to a new exercise plan and welcome the new year with a healthy, positive outlook. Best of all, with so many friends and family around, you might find a workout partner for that extra bit of motivation.

Savor the Meal with the Moments

We’re often encouraged to slow down and enjoy our time with relatives and loved ones during the holiday season. Of course, we agree! It’s also a good idea to slow down while we’re eating our holiday meals. Remember that it takes at least 20 minutes for our brains to register that our stomachs are full. So take your time and savor all the hard work and love that went into the food you’re having. Try eating in smaller portions and guessing at what spices were used in the recipe.

Pretty soon, you’ll be learning how to prepare a new dish from someone at the table, and you’ll have given your stomach time to tell your brain you’re satisfied.

BYOV (Bring Your Own Vegetables)

If you’re attending a holiday potluck, you can help ensure there are lots of healthy options on the table by bringing a dish with a vegetable-heavy ingredient list. Large salads, leafy greens, and vegetable casseroles are all great dishes to contribute to a potluck.

These items are usually easy to prepare, taking some of the stress out of holiday cooking. Plus, everyone will be thanking you for helping them make healthier choices as well.

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