Categories: Health & Fitness

Dairy Alternatives and Their Pro’s and Con’s

Lactose intolerance is fairly common, affecting about 30 to 50 million Americans. Lactose intolerance can be genetic, or can be the result of damage to the small intestine from infection. It is more prominent in specific populations, such as among African Americans, Asians and Native Americans. It is also something that can increase with age, and affects many in the elderly population. Normally, one feels the symptoms of lactose intolerance about 30 minutes to two hours after after ingesting milk, or dairy products. Symptoms include stomach pain, gas and bloating, nausea, and diarrhea. As you can easily see by walking through the grocery aisle, there are many dairy alternatives to choose from. In the haze of so many options it is important to learn more about each of these choices, and see which one best suits your needs.

Almond Milk has been around for several years, dating as far back as the Middle Ages. Almond milk in its most basic form is milk made from blending together almonds with water and straining them. Sometimes sweeteners, salt, nutrients, or thickening agents are added.

In recent years it has gained popularity, surpassing soy milk preferences. Almond milk is cholesterol free, heart-healthy, low in calories and contains the nutrients of calcium, protein, and Vitamins A, D, E and B12. However, some brands of almond milk contain carrageenan, a controversial thickener that has been linked in inflammation. If you are concerned, check the labels to see what brands do not use it.

Coconut Milk has grown greatly in popularity over the past few years. It is made by grating and soaking coconut flesh, soaking it in hot water, and extracting the remaining white liquid. This process is then repeated for a thinner texture. Coconut milk has a very creamy and nutty flavor and is fairly inexpensive. 

Coconuts are very nutritious and are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals including iron and calcium.However, it is somewhat high in saturated fat, surpassing typical whole white milk. It texture should also be noted, as some reviews find the consistency to be watery.

Soy Milk has recently gained its popularity in the West, but has been a traditional drink in other countries such as a China and Japan. Soy milk is made from soaking, grinding, and boiling soybeans with water. Soy milk is naturally low in fat, contains no cholesterol, and is extremely high in protein. However, when compared to traditional milk, soy milk has a much lower level of calcium, containing about one-fourth of the average amount.

Find the diary alternative that is right for you. Whether that means you judge on taste, the ingredients, or simply the availability, these dairy free options are available for those who are lactose intolerant. Also be sure to research rice milk, cashew milk, and oat milk. Neighbors Emergency Center supports your start to a healthier lifestyle.Visit our new Tyler location at 2222 E. Southeast Loop 323, Tyler TX 75701. With a 24 Hour Emergency Rooms throughout the Houston metro area, we can treat you quickly and effectively so you can get back to doing what you love.
