Categories: The Beat

Back to School Safety Tips

The school year is right around the corner, and while you’re sharpening pencils and planning lunches it is important to make sure your child has the most important back to school essential, safety. Make sure your child stays safe this coming August.

Transportation Safety

We tell our children to “look both ways,” but we need to continue to make sure children are practicing safe habits on the bus this year. They should stand a safe distance away from the curb when the bus arrives, not walk behind the bus and avoid getting on or off the bus after it has come to a complete stop. Also,  remind them not to run into the street and to follow all crosswalk signs.

If they are old enough to drive, make sure they know the dangers of using their cell phone while driving. They should pay attention to school zone speed limits, wear their seatbelts and use their turn signal. Like your driving student, make sure you as a parent are also practicing safe driving to avoid any accidents, especially around school zones.

Children who are walking home should not be distracted by listening to music in headphones, or by using their phone. They should be fully aware of their surroundings, especially near streets.

Backpack Safety

Heavy and ill-fitting backpacks can be detrimental to a growing body. Encourage your child to pack light and to use a school locker if they have one. Your child’s backpack should match their size in width and length of torso, not extending more than 4 inches below the waist. Making sure their backpack is not too big for their frame will allow them to carry their school supplies easily. When shopping for backpacks look for multiple interior pockets to distribute weight better, thick padded shoulder straps and a back panel.

The American Chiropractic Association recommends that backpacks are no more than 10% of your child’s weight. Rolling backpacks are also warned against as they cause a tripping hazard for other children.

Sports Safety

The start of the school year means soccer practices, dance classes and football games. Make sure your child is wearing the proper safety gear like mouth guards and keeping themselves hydrated. Sports- related injuries can be lessened by learning all the rules of the game and losing the “win-at-all-costs” mentality.

Concussions are very common among contact sports and require immediate medical attention.  Symptoms may include: confusion, forgetfulness, disorientation, clumsiness, slow speech and changes in mood. Your child should feel better in a couple weeks, however symptoms could last longer and affect how they think, act or feel. Knowing the signs and being safe can help your child avoid any serious injury.

Stranger Safety

For young child make sure they memorize essential information like their home address, phone number and how to call 9-1-1. Children who are old enough to stay home alone after school until their parents come home for work should avoid answering phones and opening the door for strangers. Teach them about stranger danger and the importance of paying attention to your surroundings.

We’re always here for you as the Best Neighbors Ever if you happen to experience any unexpected health situations. With short wait times and comfortable waiting areas, Neighbors Emergency Center is  right around the corner from you open 24/7. Visit nec24.com to find a location nearest you.
